‘Golden Gate’ Filmmaking

We don't just shoot digitally on mirrorless cameras, we also shoot on glorious analogue film too. Using a combination of digital and feel-good analogue, we can create warm and stunning cinematic footage for those who want a more authentic film production.

Sometimes people want a more authentic film production that fuses old school-filmmaking and modern filmmaking. There's a familiarity and warmth in this kind of film production.

Fusing old-school film making on analogue film, which is an art, with modern film making on digital, then innovating and scanning in the old film and upscaling to 4K, but retaining the 18FPS. then combing with digital frame rates for beautiful authentic film production.

It is the 'Golden Gate' approach that we love so much here at StormGlide. Fusing two film making methods together. It's so beautiful.


Why Digital Content and Production Matter More Than Ever in Today's Stormy Waters
